L i f e B o o k S S e r i e s – S e c t i o n T w o
■[FN+F6]: Pressing [F6] repeatedly while holding [FN] will lower the brightness of your display.*
■[FN+F7]: Pressing [F7] repeatedly while holding [FN] will increase the brightness of the display.*
■[FN+F8]: Pressing [F8] repeatedly while holding [FN] will decrease the volume of your LifeBook note- book.**
■[FN+F9]: Pressing [F9] repeatedly while holding [FN] will increase the volume of your LifeBook notebook.**
■[FN+F10]: Pressing [F10] while holding [FN] allows you to change your selection of where to send your display video. Each time you press the combination of keys you will step to the next choice. The choices, in order, are:
*There are eight brightness levels.
**There are 17 audio levels.