2.6 Loading Documents on the Hopper

Preparing the Document

1.Align both edges of the documents.



For how to scan the document with different widths, refer to “3.3 Scanning





Documents with different widths” on page 67.









2.Fan the documents.

1)Take a stack of documents about 15mm to 20mm thick (1/2 to 3/4 inch).

2)Hold both ends and bend the documents into an arch.

15 to 20mm

3)Firmly holding the document with both hands, bend back the document as follows so that the bent section rises up in the middle of the document as follows.

4)Repeat steps 1) to 3) for a few times.

5)Rotate the document 90 degrees, and fan again.

3.Align the leading edges of the documents.



2.6 Loading Documents on the Hopper