9.1 Options

The following lists options available for the scanner.


Part No.





fi-590PRF Pre-Imprinter


Prints an alphanumerical string on the document to be






The printing is done on the front side of the document and



before it is scanned.



As a result, both the document and the generated image will



bear the same string of your choice (name, date, serial num-



ber etc.) for archiving.




fi-590PRB Post-Imprinter


Prints an alphanumerical string on the document scanned.



The printing is done on the back side of the document and



after it is scanned.



Only the document will bear the string of your choice



(name, date, serial number etc.).




For the details, contact FUJITSU scanner dealer where you purchased the scanner or FUJITSU group company responsible for your country.


Both imprinters can be installed on the scanner at the same time. However, only one of them can print at a time.

Select the appropriate imprinter depending on your needs,.

2249.1 Options