2.14Before Using [Scan] / [Send to] button

By setting the link of the application software to the [Scan] button and [Send to] button, you can launch the linked application by simply pushing the button.

1.Select [Control panel] from the [Start] menu.2.Select [Property] from [Scanner and Cameras].


For Windows XP, when the control panel is displayed in “Category” mode, select [Printer and other hardware] and then click [Scanner and camera].

3.Display the “fi-5950” properties.

For Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7, right-click the “fi-5950d” icon.

For Windows 2000, double-click the “fi-5950d” icon.4.Select the [Event] tab.5.Select the event to launch the application.

For Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7, select event to be performed by the application from the [Select event] menu.

With this function, the next events can be selected.Scan button (When clicking on [Scan] button)Send to 1-9 (When clicking the [Send to] button)
602.14 Before Using [Scan] / [Send to] button