[Imprinter] tab

You can make settings for Pre-/Post-Imprinter Options (to be purchased separately). Unless Imprinter Option is installed, this tab will be unshown.

Do not printImprinter is not used.
Print before scanning

With Pre-Imprinter, printing is done on the front face of the



Print after scanning

With Post-Imprinter, printing is done on the rear face of the



Format Template:Letters typed in this text box are printed on the document.You can use the following characters.
AlphabetA to Z, a to z
Numeric0, 1 to 9
Symbol! “ $ # % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ‘ { } ~




Counter%S (You can select 3-digit to 8-digit.


You can be placed the counter at the first,


middle or end of the string.)
OtherOne byte space
Up to 43 characters can be typed in.


To print characters "#" and "%", you have to type letters ## and %% respectively because these are special characters. Please be reminded that typing only one letter (#) displays the counter.

582.13 Configuring the Scan Settings