9.2 fi-590PRF (Pre-imprinter)

fi-590PRF is installed at the front side of the Transport path, inside of the scanner. It prints prior to scan- ning. fi-590PRF (Pre-imprinter) specifications are described below.

















Printing Method

Thermal Ink Jet









Printable characters

Alphabet letters: A to Z, a to z


Numeric characters: 0,1 to 9


Symbols: ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { } ¯









Maximum printable

43 characters

characters per line
















Print Orientation

Normal: 0º, 180º (horizontal), 90º, 270º (vertical)


Narrow: 0º, 180º (horizontal)









Character size

Normal: Height 2.91mm × width 3.03mm / 0.1146 × 0.1193 in (horizontal)




Height 3.03mm × width 2.91mm / 0.1193 × 0.1146 in (vertical)


Narrow: Height 2.91mm × width 1.71mm / 0.1146 × 0.0673 in (horizontal)









Character pitch

3.79mm / 0.1492in (Normal), 2.46mm /0.0968in (Narrow)









Font Style

Regular, Bold









Character Width

Normal, Narrow









Printing area






Head movable range




















side) (front area printing-Pre

direction Feeding

Unit: mm

*The document stains with ink when printing in the shaded areas (shown in the illustration). Therefore, correct printing operations in such areas are not guaranteed.

Printing Position Accu-

Vertical: ±4mm


Horizontal: ±4mm




Print Cartridge

As for the operations and functions of fi-590PRF (Pre-imprinter), refer to the fi-590PRF Operator's Guide attached to fi-590PRF.

9.2 fi-590PRF (Pre-imprinter) 225