L i f e B o o k P 2 0 0 0 N o t e b o o k – S e c t i o n T w o
Screw Hole for Removing the Keyboard
Battery Bay
Release Button
Figure 2-9 LifeBook notebook bottom panel
The following is a brief description of your LifeBook notebook’s bottom panel components.
Lithium ion Battery Bay Lock Button
Slide this lock button to lock/unlock the internal battery.
Battery Bay Release Button
Slide the release button to release the internal battery.
Lithium ion Battery Bay
The battery bay contains the internal Lithium ion battery. It can be opened for the removal of the battery when stored over a long period of time or for swapping a discharged battery with a charged Lithium ion battery. (See Lithium ion Battery on page 33 for more information)
Main Unit and Configuration Label
The configuration label shows the model number and other information about your LifeBook notebook. In addition, the configuration portion of the label has the serial number and manufacturer information that you will need to give your support representative. It identi- fies the exact version of various components of your notebook.
Main Unit and Configuration Label (approximate location)
Battery Bay Release Button
Lithium ion
Battery Bay