L i f e B o o k P 2 0 0 0 N o t e b o o k – S e c t i o n F o u r
The System Memory and the Extended Memory capacity, as detected by your LifeBook notebook during the Power On Self Test (POST), are displayed at the bottom of the Info menu screen. The chart below shows you the possible displays that can be shown on the main menu screen.
If the total memory displayed is incorrect, check that your memory upgrade module is properly installed. (If the module is properly installed and the capacity is still not correctly recognized, see the Troubleshooting sec- tion starting on page 65)
| Installed |
| Displayed | |
On Board | Slot 1 | Total RAM | System | Extended |
| Installed | Memory | Memory* |
256MB | 0 | 256MB | 640K | 240MB |
256MB | 128MB | 384MB | 640K | 368MB |
*Transmeta CPU uses 16MB of RAM for Code Morphing Software (CMS). For more information on CMS, click on the Technology link on the refer to the Transmeta web site at: www.transmeta.com.