L i f e B o o k P 2 0 0 0 N o t e b o o k – S e c t i o n T w o
placed it where you would like, release the mouse button.
■If you have your display set to 256K colors the basic display will appear no matter which one you select. You will need to set your display colors to more than 256K in order to select other display appearances.
■When you close the CD Player’s desktop control panel, it will stop the audio CD Player.
System Requirements and Precautions
System Requirements
■Operating System: Microsoft Windows
■Memory: 32MB or more
■Hard drive: 2MB or more free space
■LifeBook Application Panel uses the date and time settings of your LifeBook. If the date and time are off, you can adjust this setting in the Windows Control Panel.
If you insert an audio CD which has both audio and data tracks into the CD Player, the CD Player may fail to play the first audio track.
The Volume Up, Volume Down and Mute controls for the CD Player desktop control panel adjusts the volume of the CD audio line only. It does not adjust your note- book’s master software volume control or the manual volume on the LifeBook notebook.
■The CD Player desktop control panel is designed to be displayed in High Color