HDD modules
Removing the existing backplane (6x HDD)
ÊRemove all HDD modules from the housing.
Figure 22: Removing the HDD backplane
ÊDisconnect all cables from the HDD backplane (see oval).
ÊLift the HDD backplane over the metal bars (see arrows) and then remove it in the direction of the rear of the server.
IInstall HDD backplanes in the reverse order.
Installing the backplane (8x HDD)
ÊPlace the HDD backplane (8x HDD) on the designated bars on the housing (see figure 22) and press it down carefully.
ÊConnect all the required cables to the HDD backplane (see section “Cabling for up to 8 HDD modules” on page 70).
44 | Options Guide | RX200 S5 |