Connection to server Working with the Remote Management Frontend
ÊIn the connection bar, click Connect.
IIf the connection attempt fails, then this may be due to the fact that the management port number at the managed machine is not 3172 (Telnet) or 22 (SSH).
The management port number is not known to the Operations Manager and the Remote Management Frontend therefore uses the default value (3172 for Telnet connections or 22 for SSH connec- tions).
As soon as the connection to the iRMC/ iRMC S2 has been established, you are requested to enter the user name and password.
–Logging into the Remote Manager over an SSH connection
IIf the host key of the managed server is not yet registered at the remote workstation, the SSH client issues a security alert with suggestions on how to proceed.
The following login window is displayed:
Figure 16: SSH connection: Logging in to the Remote Manager
ÊEnter your user name and password and confirm your entries by clicking Login.
The main menu of the Remote Manager is then displayed (see figure 18 on page 48).
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