Chapter 9: Event Logs
Drive events
These events are related to the drive bus and arrays.
Drive Event Messages | Description | Cause | Action |
Array xx Critical | This indicates the specified | Drive removal or | Replace the hard |
| array is critical. | failure. | drive and rebuild |
| the array. |
Array xx Expansion Started | Expansion of the indicated | Expansion has | No action |
| array has started. | started. | necessary. |
Array xx Expansion | Expansion of the indicated | Expansion has | No action |
Restarted | array has restarted, after a | restarted. | necessary. |
| power cycle or |
| failover/failback. |
Array xx Expansion | Expansion of the indicated | Expansion has | No action |
Complete | array has completed. | completed. | necessary. |
Array xx Initialization | Initialization of the indicated | Initialization has | No action |
Started | array has started. | started. | necessary. |
Array xx Initialization | Initialization of the indicated | Initialization has | No action |
Complete | array has completed. | completed. | necessary. |
Array xx Parity | These events indicate that a | Parity check | No action |
Check/Rewrite/Check and | RAID 5/50 Parity Check, | started. | necessary. |
Rewrite Started | Rewrite or Check and |
| Rewrite has started. |
Array xx Parity | These events indicate that a | Parity check | No action |
Check/Rewrite/Check and | RAID 5/50 Parity Check, | completed. | necessary. |
Rewrite Completed, yy | Rewrite, or Check and |
Errors | Rewrite has completed. Any |
| errors are indicated. |
Array xx Parity | These events indicate that a | Parity check | No action |
Check/Rewrite/Check and | RAID 5/50 Parity Check, | canceled by the | necessary. |
Rewrite Aborted, yy Errors | Rewrite, or Check and | user. |
| Rewrite has been stopped. |
| Any errors up to this point |
| are indicated. |
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