Chapter 5: SAN LUN Mapping


When attaching multiple host systems in a SAN environment, it may be necessary to more precisely control which hosts have access to which logical drives. In addition to controlling logical drive availability on a RAID controller on a port-by-port basis, it is also possible to further restrict access to a specific logical drive. Up to 512 SAN LUN mappings are supported.


The following table describes the terminology relating to SAN LUN Mapping.





Node Name

This is an eight-byte hexadecimal number, uniquely identifying


a single host system. It incorporates the World Wide Name


and two additional bytes which are used to specify the format.



Port Name

This is an eight-byte hexadecimal number, uniquely identifying


a single host port. It incorporates the World Wide Name and


two additional bytes which are used to specify the format and


indicate the port number.



Mapping Name

A 32-character name that can be used to help identify the host





Exclusive Access

A logical drive is presented to only one host system. It is not


available to any other host systems.



Read/Write Access

A logical drive will allow both reads and write operations.



Read Only Access

A logical drive will not allow writes.



Mapped LUN

This is the LUN number that a specific logical drive responds


to when accessed by a host. It is not necessary for this to bear


any relation to the LUN number.



Mapping Availability

Which controller ports the mapping is valid for.