ABattery electrolyte fluid is an extremely
.... caustic sulfuric acid solution that can cause severe burns. Do not permit fluid to contact eyes, skin, clothing, painted surfaces, etc.
Wear protective goggles, protective clothing and gloves when handling a battery. If fluid is spilled, flush the affected area immedi- ately with clear water.
ADo not dispose of the battery in a fire. The ~battery is capable of exploding.
ADo not open or mutilate the battery.
.... Released electrolyte can be toxic and harm-
ful to the skin and eyes.
Ir\ The battery represents a risk of high short illcircuit current. When working on the battery,
always remove watches, rings or other metal objects, and only use tools that have insu- lated handles.
AThe electrolyte is a dilute sulfuric acid that is
.... harmful to the skin and eyes. It is electrically conductive and corrosive. The following pro- cedures are to be observed:
o Wear full eye protection and protective cloth- ing,
oWhere electrolyte contacts the skin, wash it off immediately with water,
oWhere electrolyte contacts the eyes, flush thor- oughly and immediately with water and seek medical attention, and
oSpilled electrolyte is to be washed down with an
ALead acid batteries present a risk of fire ~becausethey generate hydrogen gas. The
following procedure are to be followed:
oDO NOT SMOKE when near batteries,
oDO NOT cause flame or spark in battery area, and
o Discharge static electricity from body before touching batteries by first touching a grounded metal surface.
Servicing of batteries is to be performed or supervised by person- nel knowledgeable of batteries and the required precautions, Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries.
For recommended batteries, see "Specifications," All batteries must be at 100 percent
When using
Damage will result if the battery connections are made in reverse.
The instructions in this section assume that the stationary emer- gency generator has been properly installed, serviced, tested, adjusted and otherwise prepared for use by acompetent, qualified installation contractor. Be sure to read the" Safety Rules" on Pages 2 and 3, as well as all other safety information in this manual, before attempting to operate this (and related) equipment.
APrior to initially starting the generator, it
.... must be properly prepared for use. Any attempt to crank or start the engine before it has been properly serviced with the rec- ommended types and quantities of engine fluids (oil, coolant, fuel, etc.) may result in an engine failure.
Before starting the generator for the first time, the installer must complete the following procedures. For
Transfer Switch
If this generator is used to supply power to any electrical system normally powered by an electric utility, the National Electrical Code requires that atransfer switch be installed, The transfer switch pre- vents electrical backfeed between two different electrical systems. (For additional information, see the applicable transfer switch manual for this unit.) The transfer switch, as well as the genera- tor and other standby components, must be properly located and mounted in strict compliance with applicable codes, standards and regulations,