V E R / S T E R E O H O O K U P
Follow these steps to connect your DVD+VCR to an
A/V receiver or stereo system using the Line Out or
Digital Audio Out jacks.
Connect to Stereo
Line Inputs
Connect to the Digital Audio Input OR of an A/V Receiver with a Dolby
Digital and/or DTS Decoder.
A / V R E C E I
1C O N N E C T D V D + V C R T O S T E R E O
Connect RCA cables from either of the ÓLine OutÓ audio jacks (R and L) on the back of the DVD+VCR to the line inputs of your stereo receiver.
2S E T S T E R E O T O A U X I L I A R Y M O D E
Set your stereo receiver to ÒAuxÓ or ÒLineÓ (refer to your stereo ownerÕs guide for the proper setting).
1C O N N E C T D V D + V C R T O A / V R E C E I V E R
Connect EITHER a digital optical cable OR a digital coaxial cable from the Digital Audio Out jacks on the back panel of the DVD+VCR to their corre- sponding Digital Audio Inputs on your A/V Receiver.
¥Use whichever connection is avail- able on your A/V Receiver (Optical or Coaxial).
2 S E T D O L B Y & D T S D E C O D E R S E T T I N G S
If your A/V Receiver is equipped with a Dolby Digital and/or DTS Decoder, you must enable these options in the menu system (see next page).
• The Digital Audio Out connections ONLY carry DVD
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