3654 Portable H2/N2 Analyzer - Options Setup | 29 of 66 |
3.2 Analyzer - PC Connection
For the hardware connection of the analyzer to a PC, see “Instrument - PC Connection” on page 11.
The Configuration, Serial port menu lets you choose one of four serial communication ports, as follows:
Usually, COM1 is used to connect to a mouse, so try COM2 first. You may find that a separate program supplied with your PC may be necessary to activate this port.
Click on OK to activate the selected port. If the port you have selected here is available, the WIN3654 program will return to the main menu. Otherwise, you will see an RS232 ERRORS message advising you to select another port.
3.3 Reviewing Instrument Configuration
To review if the analyzer is set up as expected, choose the Configuration, Configuration view command. You will see a window similar to the following:
Some of the parameters listed, can be changed by using the WIN3654 program.
However, should you see any unexpected items listed on your screen that you cannot correct, contact your Hach Ultra representative.
3.4 Configuring the Instrument
The ORBISPHERE 3654 analyzer can be readily configured for your application using the following commands in the Configuration menu. The instrument must be connected to your PC and powered on, in order to change any configuration parameters.
3.4.1 Gas Measurement Phase
The instrument can measure N2 or H2 in either a liquid or a gaseous sample, but you must select which gas phase to use.
Choosing the WIN3654 program's Configuration, Gas Phase menu lets you select the gas measurement phase.
Operator Manual | ORBISPHERE |