Hamilton Beach 70590C manual Troubleshooting Guide, Potential Problem Probable CAUSE/SOLUTION

Models: 70590C

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Troubleshooting Guide

Before calling the Hamilton Beach/Proctor Silex, Inc. Customer Service Number, carefully check the list below for a possible solution to your question.






Unit does not operate

Is the unit plugged in? Does the outlet work?

on any speed or Pulse.

Are the bowl, bowl lid, and food chute lid all

Ready Light does


locked in place? See pp. 4-5 “How to

not come on.



Food is not chopped,

Packing too much food in the food chute, or

sliced or shredded


pushing too hard on the food pusher may cause



the processed food to be irregulary sliced or



shredded. Refer to the food processing charts



for recommended sizes and quantities.


Are you using the recommended speed? See



pp. 8-9 “Food Processing Charts.”




Unit stops and will

Are the bowl, bowl lid, and food chute lid all

not come back on.


locked in place? They may have moved slighty



during processing. See pp. 4-5 “How to





Is the outlet still working? Check it by plugging



in a working lamp or other appliance. You may



have overloaded the circuit and blown a fuse or



tripped the circuit breaker.


Turn unit OFF, allow to stand for 3 to 4 minutes,



then turn back ON.



If none of these suggestions correct the prob-



lem, DO NOT attempt to repair the unit. Call the



Hamilton Beach/Proctor-Silex Customer Service



number to get the name of your nearest



Authorized Service Center.




Unit has a burning smell.

There may be a residue left on the motor from



the manufacturing process, causing a slight odor



during initial use. This will go away. If a strong



odor or any visible smoke appears, unplug the



unit IMMEDIATELY and call the Hamilton



Beach/Proctor-Silex Customer Service number.




Motor seems weak.

Are you using the recommended speed for the



item you are processing? See pp. 8-9 “Food



Processing Charts.”


Are you using the recommended food size and



quantity to be processed? Refer to the food



processing charts for recommended food sizes



and speeds. See pp. 8-9 “Food Processing








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Hamilton Beach 70590C manual Troubleshooting Guide, Potential Problem Probable CAUSE/SOLUTION