2.To read the same string with a modulo 10 check digit in the seventh character position, use the following tem- plate:


Then enter 0123456789 for the Check parameter.

3. To read either a string of 6 alphabetic letters OR a string of 8 numeric digits, use this template:


Note the use of the “t” to separate the first template from the second.

4. To read multiple rows of OCR data as shown below:



Either of the following templates could be used:

ddddddrllllll or aaaaaaraaaaaa

Note the use of the “r” to define the position of the second row.

OCR Checksum Calculation

The following explains how the checksum is generated for the OCR bar code:

Modulo 10:

1.Add the characters in the string (not including the checksum character). Valid values are 0 – 9 for modulo 10.

2.Subtract 10 from the sum obtained above. Continue subtracting 10 until the remainder is less than 10.

3.The remainder obtained above is the checksum. Enter this digit in the checksum position.

Modulo 36:

1.Add the characters in the string (not including the checksum character). Digit / Alpha values are defined as fol- lows for modulo 36: 0 – 9 = 0 – 9; A = 10, B = 11, … Z = 25

2.Subtract 36 from the sum obtained above. Continue subtracting 36 until the remainder is less than 36.

3.Subtract the remainder obtained above from 36. The value obtained is the checksum. Enter this character in the checksum position.

8 - 24