Desktop Cradle Help
The following is intended as an aid in determining whether the MX7 Tecton battery pack or the cradle battery charger may be malfunctioning.
Problem | Cause | Solution |
Battery pack does not fit | Different manufacturer's battery pack, | Check if the battery pack is part number |
in battery well. | or there is an object in the battery well. | MX7A380BATT / MX7392BATT or a Low |
| Temperature (CS) Battery : MX7A381BATT / |
| MX7393BATT / MX7396BATTERY. If not, do not |
| use. |
| Remove the object from the battery well. |
No battery pack in spare | Dirt or foreign objects are in the battery | Unplug cradle from outlet. Remove any dirt or |
battery charging well, | well. | foreign objects from battery well. |
but the charging LED is |
| If the LED continues to stay ON, the cradle may |
on. |
| be defective. Return charger to an authorized |
| service center. |
Cradle is plugged into a | Battery pack is not making contact with | Push battery pack in firmly. Do not “slam” the |
live outlet, battery pack | charging terminals in the battery well. | battery pack into the battery well. |
is inserted, but RED |
LED is OFF and no | Faulty battery pack. | Replace battery pack. |
other LEDs are on, or all |
LEDs are off. | New battery pack, same result. | Contact Technical Assistance (page |
| replacement options. |
When you first put a | During the first few minutes, the | There is nothing wrong with the battery pack or |
fully charged battery | charger checks the battery pack for | charging pocket. |
pack in the battery well, | correct voltage and charge state. |
the RED LED comes | During this time the LED is RED and is |
on, indicating the | continuously ON. After charging is |
battery pack is | complete, the LED is GREEN. |
charging. |
LED is flashing RED at | Current could not be sourced through | Contact Technical Assistance (page |
any station. LED is | the battery pack due to age, | battery pack replacement options. |
flashing RED at any | exhaustion or damage to the cell(s). |
station. | Or |
| The battery pack does not |
| communicate with the charger. |
| The charger’s timeout period has | Make sure that the battery pack temperature is |
| expired. | within specification and retry charging. If problem |
| repeats, contact Technical Assistance (page 16- |
| 1) for battery pack replacement options. |
Solid YELLOW LED | The battery pack is too hot or too cold | Remove battery pack from the cradle and allow it |
when battery pack is | to charge. | to adjust to room temperature. |
inserted in the cradle. |
| If the battery pack is left in the cradle, it will cool |
| down or warm to a temperature upon which the |
| cradle will begin the charge cycle. However, |
| depending on the temperature of the MX7 Tecton |
| battery, it may take |
| battery pack can cool down faster if the battery is |
| not in the battery well. |
MX7 Tecton docked in | MX7 Tecton not fully seated in cradle | Reseat the MX7 Tecton fully into the docking bay. |
cradle but cannot work | Foreign objects inside docking bay or | Remove the foreign objects and reseat the MX7 |
with accessory cables | cable connectors | Tecton into the docking bay. |
connected to cradle. |
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