Main TabStart > Settings > Control Panel > Scanner > Main tab






Port 1 – Internal. Radio button allows scanner input/output on Port 1 (scan key or trigger). Port 2 –


Output is enabled when COM1 is enabled on this port. Port 3 - Output is enabled when COM1 is


enabled on this port.




Default: Enabled. If “Send Key Messages (WEDGE)” is checked, the Scanner Driver is in “Key


Message” (also known as “character”) mode which sends the bar codes to the application with the


focus as keystrokes. All data scanned is converted to keystrokes and sent to the active window. If

Send Key Messages

“Send Key Messages (WEDGE)” is not checked, the Scanner Driver is in “Block” mode which

buffers the data that can be read by an application from the WDG: device through the OS or APIs.


Note that this latter method is significantly faster than using “Wedge”. Even if Send Key Messages



is enabled (“key mode”), the data is still available using the scanner APIs (“block mode”). If two or


more applications are reading the data in Block mode, ClearBuf must be set to Off so data is not


erased when read. Please refer to the “CE API Programming Guide” for details on scanner APIs.




Default: Enabled. Functionality of the internal scanner driver engine includes audible tones on good


scan (at the maximum db supported by the speaker) and failed scan. If enabled, Good Scan / Bad


Scan Vibration provides a tactile response on a scan event.

Enable Internal

Disable this parameter when good scan/bad scan sounds are to be handled by alternate means e.g.,

Scanner Sound

application-controlled sound files. Rejected bar codes generate a bad scan beep. In some cases, the


receipt of data from the scanner triggers a good scan beep from an external scanner, and then the


rejection of scanned bar code data by the processing causes a bad scan beep from the MX7 on the


same data.



Use Illumination LEDs

The default setting is Enabled. Integrated imager may use illumination LEDs when scanning a bar




Single Scan

Default is Off. Options are Off, Auto(matic) and Man(ual)


