•If the configuration is valid for one application but not the other, the switch to
•If two copies of the same application are configured, but the application only allows one copy to run at a time, for example Microsoft Pocket Word and RFTerm, the switch to
When the Administrator is selecting a hotkey sequence to use when switching user modes, they are not allowed to enter key combinations that are reserved by installed software applications. Honeywell has validated RFTerm key combinations ONLY.
When RFTerm is installed on the mobile device and an RFTerm restricted key sequence is specified as a hotkey sequence by the Administrator, the following error message is displayed in a message box:
Selected hotkey is not allowed. Please reenter.
When RFTerm is not installed on the mobile device, the RFTerm keys are not restricted from use.
Can’t locate the password that has been set by the administrator?Contact Technical Assistance for assistance.