AppLock and the MX7 Autovision Keypad

Because the Shift key is the only primary state key on the MX7 Autovision keypad, special instructions must be followed when using AppLock on this device.

Please uses these instruction in combination with the information in AppLock.

Please note: Most of the methods below require the use of the touch screen, either for the Software Input Panel (SIP) or the Switchpad. Therefore the touch screen cannot be disabled when using these methods.

Hot Key

The Hot Key is used to switch between Administrator and User modes.

Please see Start > Control Panel > Administration > Security tab.

The default Hot Key is: Shift + Ctrl + A. This is not valid for the MX7 Autovision keypad since the Ctrl keypress requires multiple keys (Orange + BkSp).

Shift + a single key could be defined as the as the Hot Key, but this only works if Shift + that key is not needed by the application configured in AppLock. For example, Shift + Down Arrow (which results in Home) can be an acceptable Hot Key only if Home is not used by the application.

The SIP can be used in combination with the physical keypad to specify a Hot Key. For example, Ctrl + Shift +7 can be specified by selecting Ctrl +Shift from the SIP and pressing 7 on the keypad. To use this Hot Key, the shift state keys must be selected on the SIP (Ctrl + Shift) then press 7 on the keypad.

Global Key

The Global Key is used to allow the user to switch between applications.

Please see Start > Control Panel > Administration > Application tab.

The default Global Key is Ctrl + Space. All options for the Global Key require the use of the Ctrl key. These keypress sequences are not valid for the MX7 Autovision keypad since the Ctrl keypress requires multiple keys (Orange + BkSp).

The Switchpad must be used to toggle between locked applications.

Backdoor Key

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