Chapter 3: Power
Power Modes
Primary Events Listing
•Any key on the keypad
•COM1 activity
•Stylus touch on the touch screen
•External power connection
•Power button tap
•USB client connection
•Scanner activity
•Bluetooth device reconnect / disconnect message
On Mode
The DisplayWhen the display is On:
•the keyboard, touch screen and all peripherals function normally
•the display backlight is on until the Backlight timer expires
The MX7After a new MX7 has been received, a charged main battery inserted, and the Power key tapped, the MX7 is always On until both batteries are drained completely of power.
When the main battery and backup battery are drained completely, the unit is in the Off mode. The unit transitions from the Off mode to the On mode when a charged main battery is inserted or external power is applied and the Power key is pressed.
Suspend Mode
The Suspend mode is entered when the unit is inactive for a predetermined period of time or the user taps the Power key. MX7 Suspend timers are set using Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power > Schemes tab.
The following primary events will wake the unit and reset the display timer and display backlight timer. Any of the following primary events can be configured via a Power Management API call:
•Any key on the keypad
•Stylus touch on the touch screen
•Handle trigger press
•Connecting to AC power supply
•Power button tap
•Bluetooth device reconnect / disconnect message