HotBrick Network Solutions
Dynamic DNS
Dynamic DNS is very useful when combined with the Virtual Server feature. It allows Internet users to connect to your Virtual Servers using a URL, rather than an IP Address.
This also solves the problem of having a dynamic IP address. With a dynamic IP address, your IP address may change whenever you connect to your ISP, which makes it difficult to connect to you.
You must register for the Dynamic DNS service. The Load Balancer supports 2 types of service providers:
•Standard client, available at http://www.dyndns.org
Other sites may offer the same service, but can not be guaranteed to work.
•TZO at http://www.tzo.com
•3322 is available in China at http://www.3322.org
To use the Dynamic DNS feature
1.Register for the service from your preferred service provider.
2.Follow the service provider's procedure to have a Domain Name (Host name) allocated to you.
3.Configure the Dynamic DNS screen, as described below.
4.The Load Balancer will then automatically update your IP Address recorded by the Dynamic DNS service provider.
5.From the Internet, users will now be able to connect to your Virtual Servers (or DMZ PC) using your Domain name.
Figure 18 Dynamic DNS