3 Business Percentages

The Business Percentage Keys

When entering data for business percentage calculations, results are calculated based on data entered into specific memory registers. When pressed, the keys used for these operations:

store data.

enter known data for variables used during calculations.

calculate unknown variables based on stored data.

You can use the 10bII+ to calculate simple percent, percent change, cost, price, margin, and markup.

Percent key

The §key has two functions:

Finding a percent

Adding or subtracting a percent

Finding a Percent

The §key divides a number by 100 unless it is preceded by an addition or subtraction sign.


Find 25% of 200.

Table 3-1 Finding a percent

KeysDisplay Description



Enters 200.







Converts 25% to a decimal.







Multiplies 200 by 25%.


Adding or Subtracting a Percent

You can add or subtract a percent in one calculation.

Example 1

Decrease 200 by 25%.

Business Percentages 45