product key A unique series of letters and numbers that are assigned to each software package you buy. You are asked to enter the product key when you install the software. When you register the software, you transmit the product key to the manufacturer to enter in a customer database. Later, when you call for technical support, you are asked for the product key. The technician matches it against the database to determine whether you qualify for support. You should keep a record of all product keys to protect your investment. They are comparable to the serial numbers on hardware. See software.
program Software that you install on a computer for word processing, drawing, manipulating photos, reconciling your bank statement, calculating your taxes, composing music, or playing games. It is occasionally referred to as an application. See software.
RAM (random access memory) The main memory of the computer. It holds a copy of the operating system, any programs that are running on the computer, and any data that is being processed. RAM is temporary memory; turning off the computer clears RAM. The more RAM your computer has, the faster the programs respond. See also main memory. See also ROM.
scanner A device that creates digital images of printed documents and photographs. Software allows you to save and edit the images on the computer. See also digital. See also software.
screen saver A moving picture or pattern that appears on the screen when you stop using your computer for a specified period of time. Originally designed to protect the monitor, screen savers are now used for amusement.
scroll To gradually move information across the screen when a document or Web page is too long or too wide to view all at once. Scroll bars are located along the right side and across the bottom of a window. When scroll arrows are present at the ends of the bars, you know that some information is off the screen. Click on one