Configuring for Network Management Applications

LLDP (Link-Layer Discovery Protocol)

— Continued—

Type/Value Pairs (CA-TYPEand CA-VALUE): This is a series of data pairs, each composed of a location data “type” specifier and the corresponding location data for that type. That is, the first value in a pair is expected to be the civic address “type” number (CA­ TYPE), and the second value in a pair is expected to be the corresponding civic address data (CA-VALUE). For example, if the CA-TYPEfor “city name” is “3”, then the type/value pair to define the city of Paris is “3 Paris”. Multiple type/value pairs can be entered in any order, although it is recommended that multiple pairs be entered in ascending order of the CA­ TYPE.When an emergency call is placed from a properly configured class 3 endpoint device to an appropriate PSAP, the country code, device type, and type/value pairs configured on the switch port are included in the transmission. The “type” specifiers are used by the PSAP to identify and organize the location data components in an understandable format for response personnel to interpret. A civic­ addr command requires a minimum of one type/ value pair, but typically includes multiple type/value pairs as needed to configure a complete set of data describing a given location. CA-TYPE:This is the first entry in a type/value pair, and is a number defining the type of data contained in the second entry in the type/value pair (CA-VALUE). Some examples of CA-TYPEspecifiers include:

3 = city

6 = street (name)

25 = building name (Range: 0 - 255)

For a sample listing of CA-TYPEspecifiers, refer to table 13-4 on page 13-66.

CA-VALUE:This is the second entry in a type/value pair, and is an alphanumeric string containing the location information corresponding to the immediately preceding CA-TYPEentry. Strings are delimited by either blank spaces, single quotes (‘ ... ‘), or double quotes (“ ... “). Each string should represent a specific data type in a set of unique type/value pairs comprising the description of a location, and each string must be preceded by a CA-TYPEnumber identifying the type of data in the string.
