Configuring for Network Management Applications

LLDP (Link-Layer Discovery Protocol)

Viewing the Switch’s Current CDP Neighbors Table. Devices are listed by the port on which they were detected.

Syntax: show cdp neighbors

Lists the neighboring CDP devices the switch detects, with a subset of the information collected from the device’s CDP packet.

[ [e] port-num [detail] ]

Lists the CDP device connected to the specified port. (Allows only one port at a time.) Using detail provides a longer list of details on the CDP device the switch detects on the specified port.

[detail [ [e] port-num ] ]

Provides a list of the details for all of the CDP devices the switch detects. Using port-numproduces a list of details for the selected port.

Figure 13-27lists CDP devices that the switch has detected by receiving their CDP packets.

Figure 13-27. Example of CDP Neighbors Table Listing

Enabling CDP Operation. Enabling CDP operation (the default) on the switch causes the switch to add entries to its CDP Neighbors table for any CDP packets it receives from other neighboring CDP devices.
