Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation

Interface Monitoring Features

You must use the following configuration sequence to configure port and static trunk monitoring in the CLI:

1.Assign a monitoring (mirror) port.

2.Designate the port(s) and/or static trunk(s) to monitor.

Displaying the Monitoring Configuration.

Syntax: show monitor

This command lists the port assigned to receive monitored traffic and the ports and/or trunks being monitored.

For example, if you assign port A6 as the monitoring port and configure the switch to monitor ports A1 - A3, show monitor displays the following:

Port receiving monitored traffic.

Monitored Ports

Figure B-20. Example of Monitored Port ListingConfiguring the Monitor Port.

Syntax: [no] mirror-port [< port-num>]

This command assigns or removes a monitoring port, and must be executed from the global configuration level. Removing the monitor port disables port monitoring and resets the monitoring parameters to their factory-default settings.

For example, to assign port 6 as the monitoring port:

ProCurve(config)# mirror-port 6

To turn off monitoring:

ProCurve(config)# no mirror-port
