File Transfers

Downloading Switch Software

Syntax: no tftp-enable

This command disables all TFTP operation on the switch except for the auto-TFTP feature. To re-enable TFTP opera­ tion, use the tftp-enablecommand. When TFTP is disabled, the instances of tftp in the CLI copy command and the Menu interface “Download OS” screen become unavailable.

Note: This command does not disable auto-TFTP operation. To disable an auto-TFTP command configured on the switch, use the no auto-tftpcommand described below to remove the command entry from the switch’s configuration.

Syntax: no auto-tftp

If auto-TFTP is configured on the switch, this command deletes the auto-tftpentry from the switch configuration, thus preventing auto-tftp operation if the switch reboots.

Note: This command does not affect the current TFTP- enable configuration on the switch.


Command Options


If you need to enable SSH v2 (which is required for SFTP) enter this command:


ProCurve(config)# ip ssh version 2




As a matter of policy, administrators should not enable the SSHv1-only or the


SSHv1-or-v2 advertisement modes. SSHv1 is supported on only some legacy


switches (such as the ProCurve Series 2500 switches).


To confirm that SSH is enabled type in the command



ProCurve(config)# show ip ssh


Once you have confirmed that you have enabled an SSH session (with the show


ip ssh command) you can then open your third-party software client applica­


tion to begin using the SCP or SFTP commands to safely transfer files or issue


commands to the switch.


If you need to disable secure file transfer:


ProCurve(config)# no ip ssh filetransfer
