File Transfers

Copying Software Images

Figure A-8. Switch-to-Switch, from Either Flash in Source to Either Flash in Destination

N o t e

Using PCM+ to Update Switch Software

ProCurve Manager Plus includes a software update utility for updating on ProCurve switch products. For further information, refer to the Getting Started Guide and the Administrator’s Guide, provided electronically with the application.

Copying Software Images

Using the CLI commands described in this section, you can copy software images from the switch to another device using tftp or xmodem.

For details on how switch memory operates, including primary and secondary flash, refer to Chapter 6, “Switch Memory and Configuration”.

TFTP: Copying a Software Image to a Remote Host

Syntax: copy flash tftp < ip-addr> < filename >

This command copies the primary flash image to a TFTP server.

For example, to copy the primary flash to a TFTP server having an IP address of

ProCurve# copy flash tftp k0800.swi

where k0800.swi is the filename given to the flash image being copied.
