Displaying and editing lists

To display a list

In the List catalog, highlight the list name and press ￿(',7a.


In HOME, enter the name of the list and press >(17(5@.

To display one element

To edit a list

In HOME, enter listname(element#). For example, if L2 is {3,4,5,6}, then L2(2) >(17(5@ returns 4.

1.Open the List catalog.


2.Press *k,￿or *e,￿to highlight the name of the list you want to edit (L1, etc.) and press (',7a￿to display the list contents.


3.Press *k,￿or *e,￿to

highlight the element you want to edit. In this example, edit the third element so that it has a value of 5.




4. Press 2.a.

