HP 40G manual Plotting a piecewise defined function example, = , $3/ @ Select

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Plotting a piecewise defined function example

Suppose you wanted to graph the following piecewise defined function.

x + 2

;x – 1



f(x) =

;– 1 < x 1

4 – x

;x 1

1.Open the Function aplet.

>$3/( @ Select


2.Highlight the line you want to use, and enter the expression. (You can press >'(/@ to delete an existing line, or >6+,)7@CLEAR to clear all lines.)

>￿@￿;a>￿@ 2 >￿@ >j@￿ >￿@ ;a>6+,)7@ CHARS ;a>￿￿￿@ 1 >￿@￿>(17(5@

>[￿@ >j@￿>￿@￿;a >6+,)7@CHARS > >￿￿￿@1 >6+,)7@ AND ;a >6+,)7@CHARS 1 >￿@ >(17(5@ >￿@￿4 >￿@￿;a>￿@￿>j@￿>￿@￿;a >6+,)7@CHARS > 1 >￿@￿>(17(5@

Note: You can use the ;a menu key to assist in the entry of equations. It has the same effect as pressing >;￿7￿5@.

Function aplet


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Image 71
HP 40G manual Plotting a piecewise defined function example, = , $3/ @ Select