5.To reconnect the display cable, position a probe in the cable as shown in the below illustration.
Figure 17 - Display Cable Probe Position
6.Use the probe to connect the display cable into the connector as shown below. Use caution to keep the OmniBook on a level surface. With the Top Case partially separated, small internal parts may dislodge when the OmniBook is tilted at a sharp angle.
Figure 18 - Reconnecting Display Cable
7.With the display cable reconnected, the I/O grounding eyelets must be slid into place. Use caution when positioning the I/O grounding eyelets as they can be broken off easily. It is acceptable to reassemble the OmniBook with certain I/O grounding eyelets broken if there is at least one eyelet in each of the four positions AND at least two matched sets remaining. See Figure 19, Figure 20, Figure 21, and Figure 22 for examples.