| 0a004h | FXCH or FCOMP didn't work |
| 0a005h | FADD didn't work |
| 0a006h | FMUL didn't work |
| 0a007h | FDIV didn't work |
| 0a008h | FSQRT didn't work |
| 0a009h | FPATAN didn't work |
| 0a00ah | invalid operation exception err |
| 0a00bh | denormal operand exception error |
| 0a00ch | zero divide exception error |
| 0a00dh | overflow exception error |
| 0a00eh | underflow error |
Weitek Numerical Co- |
0af00h | failed to enter protected mode | |
Processor Errors |
| 0af01h | there is no Weitek in the system |
| 0af02h | error in Weitek data register |
| 0af05h | ADD didn't work |
| 0af06h | MULT didn't work |
| 0af0Ch | Zero Divide exception error |
Video Errors |
0b009h | beep if no video card is installed | |
| error codes | |
| BFFF were previously used | |
Cache Errors |
0b308h | internal cache error | |
| 0b300h | P4 cache test failure |
Protected Mode RAM |
0c000h | 0CXYZ - the interpretation of this | |
Errors |
| error code is machine dependent |
error codes D000,