Use HP Printables

HP Printables, a free service from HP, delivers a wide range of news, recipes, business tips, coloring pages, puzzles, personalized coupons, and more - directly to your web-connected printer, on your schedule. Browse from a range of options, including top brands, to find the content you want and get the prints you love. You can get the prints you want immediately or, with some printables, you can set them to be automatically delivered on the days and times that you want.

Preformatted content designed specifically for your printer means no cut-off text and pictures and no extra pages with only one line of text.

NOTE: To use HP Printables, the printer must be connected to a network that provides an Internet connection, and you must register for this service. Printable availability varies by country, language, and agreements, and might require a firmware upgrade.

For more information, visit . On some printers and websites, HP Printables might be called Print Apps.

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HP 4635, 4632 manual Use HP Printables