Chapter 18
Using SD cards
The calculator provides a memory card port where you can insert an SD flash card for backing up calculator objects, or for downloading objects from other sources. The SD card in the calculator will appear as port number 3.
Accessing an object from the SD card is performed similarly as if the object were located in ports 0, 1, or 2. However, Port 3 will not appear in the menu when using the LIB function (‚á). The SD files can only be managed using the Filer, or File Manager („¡). When starting the Filer, the Tree view will show:
When you enter in the SD tree, all objects will appear as backup objects. Therefore, it is not possible to tell what type a given objects by just looking at its name in the Filer. Long names are supported, however all names longer than 62 characters will be ignored. THIS IS IMPORTANT, names longer than 62 characters can’t be used with the Filer and will simply be ignored.
As an alternative to using the File Manager operations, you can use functions STO and RCL to store and recall objects from the SD card, as shown below.
Storing objects in the SD card
You can only store an object at the root of the SD, i.e., no
•In algebraic mode:
Enter object, press K, type the name of the stored object using port 3 (e.g., :3:VAR1), press `.
•In RPN mode: