The @EDIT key is used to edit the contents of a selected cell in the Matrix Writer.
The @VEC@@ key, when selected, will produce a vector, as opposed to a matrix of one row and many columns.
The ←WID key is used to decrease the width of the columns in the spreadsheet. Press this key a couple of times to see the column width decrease in your Matrix Writer.
The @WID→ key is used to increase the width of the columns in the spreadsheet. Press this key a couple of times to see the column width increase in your Matrix Writer.
The @GO→ key, when selected, automatically selects the next cell to the right of the current cell when you press `. This option is selected by default. This option, if desired, needs to be selected before entering elements.
The @GO↓ key, when selected, automatically selects the next cell below the current cell when you press `. This option, if desired, needs to be selected before entering elements.
Moving to the right vs. moving down in the Matrix Writer
Activate the Matrix Writer and enter 3`5`2`` with the @GO→ key selected (default). Next, enter the same sequence of numbers with the @GO↓ key selected to see the difference. In the first case you entered a vector of three elements. In the second case you entered a matrix of three rows and one column.
Activate the Matrix Writer again by using „², and press L to check out the second soft key menu at the bottom of the display. It will show the keys: