This result, 1.23E2, is the calculator’s version of
•Engineering format
The engineering format is very similar to the scientific format, except that the powers of ten are multiples of three. To set this format, start by pressing the H button. Next, use the down arrow key, ˜, to select the option Number format. Press the @CHOOS soft menu key ( B), and select the option Engineering with the arrow down key ˜. Keep the number 3 in front of the Eng. (This number can be changed in the same fashion that we changed the Fixed number of decimals in an earlier example).
Press the !!@@OK#@ soft menu key return to the calculator display. The number now is shown as:
Because this number has three figures in the integer part, it is shown with four significative figures and a zero power of ten, while using the Engineering format. For example, the number 0.00256, will be shown as: