•We will generate values of the function f(x), defined above, for values of x from
•Next, press ˜ to highlight the field in front of the option EQ, and type the function expression: ‘X/(X+10)’. Press `”.
•To accept the changes made to the PLOT SETUP screen press L @@@OK@@@. You will be returned to normal calculator display.
•The next step is to access the Table
0.5@@@OK@@@ 0.5@@@OK@@@ (i.e., Zoom factor = 0.5). Toggle the @@CHK soft menu key until a check mark appears in front of the option Small Font if you so desire. Then press @@@OK@@@. This will return you to normal calculator display.
•To see the table, press „ö(i.e., soft menu key F) – simultaneously if in RPN mode. This will produce a table of values of x =
Some options available while the table is visible are @ZOOM, @@BIG@,and @DEFN:
•The @DEFN, when selected, shows the definition of the independent variable.
•The @@BIG@ key simply changes the font in the table from small to big, and vice versa. Try it.