Functions in the ALG menu
The ALG (Algebraic) menu is available by using the keystroke sequence ‚× (associated with the 4key). With system flag 117 set to CHOOSE boxes, the ALG menu shows the following functions:
Rather than listing the description of each function in this manual, the user is invited to look up the description using the calculator’s help facility: I L @)HELP@ `. To locate a particular function, type the first letter of the function. For example, for function COLLECT, we type ~c, then use the up and down arrow keys,
To complete the operation press @@OK@@. Here is the help screen for function
We notice that, at the bottom of the screen, the line See: EXPAND FACTOR suggests links to other help facility entries, the functions EXPAND and FACTOR. To move directly to those entries, press the soft menu key @SEE1! for EXPAND, and @SEE2! for FACTOR. Pressing @SEE1!, for example, shows the following information for EXPAND, while @SEE2! shows information for FACTOR: