Following, we present applications of items 3. Solve poly.., 5. Solve finance, and 1. Solve equation.., in that order. Appendix 1-A, in the calculator’s user’s guide, contains instructions on how to use input forms with examples for the numerical solver applications. Item 6. MSLV (Multiple equation SoLVer) will be presented later in page 6-10.


1.Whenever you solve for a value in the NUM.SLV applications, the value solved for will be placed in the stack. This is useful if you need to keep that value available for other operations.

2.There will be one or more variables created whenever you activate some of the applications in the NUM.SLV menu.

Polynomial Equations

Using the Solve poly… option in the calculator’s SOLVE environment you can:

(1)find the solutions to a polynomial equation;

(2)obtain the coefficients of the polynomial having a number of given roots; and,

(3)obtain an algebraic expression for the polynomial as a function of X.

Finding the solutions to a polynomial equation

A polynomial equation is an equation of the form: anxn + an-1xn-1+ …+ a1x +

a0 = 0. For example, solve the equation: 3s4 + 2s3 - s + 1 = 0.

We want to place the coefficients of the equation in a vector: [3,2,0,-1,1]. To solve for this polynomial equation using the calculator, try the following:


Select Solve poly…


Enter vector of coefficients




Solve equation

The screen will show the solution as follows:


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HP 49g manual Polynomial Equations, @Solve@