Finally, in order to select, for example, the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function, simply press @@TANH@.
Note: To see additional options in these soft menus, press the Lkey or the „«keystroke sequence.
For example, to calculate tanh(2.5), in the ALG mode, when using SOFT menus over CHOOSE boxes, follow this procedure:
„´@@HYP@ @@TANH@ 2.5`
In RPN mode, the same value is calculated using:
2.5`„´@@HYP@) @@TANH@
As an exercise of applications of hyperbolic functions, verify the following values:
SINH (2.5) = 6.05020.. COSH (2.5) = 6.13228.. TANH(2.5) = 0.98661.. EXPM(2.0) = 6.38905….
ASINH(2.0) = 1.4436… ACOSH (2.0) = 1.3169… ATANH(0.2) = 0.2027… LNP1(1.0) = 0.69314….
Operations with units
Numbers in the calculator can have units associated with them. Thus, it is possible to calculate results involving a consistent system of units and produce a result with the appropriate combination of units.
The UNITS menu
The units menu is launched by the keystroke combination ‚Û(associated with the 6key). With system flag 117 set to CHOOSE boxes, the result is the following menu: