Chapter 1, Getting Started



Who should use the

If you are installing, commissioning, or maintaining Personal Communication


Services (PCS) sites using the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) standard,

Test Software?

this Software will assist you in performing tests of transmitter and receiver




The HP 83236B CDMA/PCS BS Test Software is an Instrument BASIC


(IBASIC) application used to set up the PCS Interface for transmitter and receiver


measurements on CDMA base station equipment. The Software runs on the Test


Set’s internal IBASIC controller to allow you to manually control the PCS


Interface (which has no front-panel controls).


This latest revision of the Software provides support for the North American PCS


channel plans plus two proposed band definitions for use in international PCS




The CDMA/PCS BS Test Software is designed to run on the HP 8921A Cell Site


Test Set using the HP 83203B or HP 83205A Cellular Adapters (an equivalent


configuration is the HP 8921A Option 600, 601, 603). This combination of test


equipment plus the Software is hereafter referred to as the “Test System.”

Software Operation

This Software does not perform automated measurements of a CDMA base

in Brief

station; it controls the Test System then allows you to make these measurements


manually using the CDMA test screens. The basic steps are:


• Set up the base station and test equipment.


• Load and run the Software.


• Enter information about your base station.


• The Software configures the Test System to test.


• Exit the Software and go to the CDMA screens.


• Make your CDMA measurement(s).


The first four steps are detailed in this chapter. The remaining steps are presented


in "Making Measurements" in chapter 2.


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HP 83236B S Interface manual Introduction