A | B |
access channel | bad measurements, 73 |
definition, 77 | base station |
Added White Gaussian Noise | definition, 77 |
definition, 77 | beep |
added white gaussian noise, 42 | setting volume level, 59 |
Autostart, 57 | beginning use of the software, 11 |
definition, 77 |
turning off, 57 |
turning on, 57 |
average power, 26 |
definition, 77 |
suspect measurement results, 73 |
AWGN, 42 |
definition, 77 |
cable losses receiver path, 53 transmitter path, 53
CDMA definition, 77
CDMA channel definition, 77
CDMA frequency assignment definition, 77
CDMA generator definition, 77
CDMA measurement not correlating, 69 CDMA TIMEBASE IN port, 60 Cellular Adapter
definition, 77 channel
definition, 77
channel plans, 51
check even second clock measurements
other, 46
clearing Save/Recall registers, 65 code channel
definition, 77
Code Division Multiple Access definition, 77
Code Domain Analyzer definition, 78
code domain measurements code domain phase, 34
definition, 78 code domain power, 30
definition, 78 code domain timing, 32
definition, 78
questionable measurement results, 74 compensation not performed, 67 Configuration Information
errors, 67 loading, 55 purging, 56 saving, 54
configure the software, 18 connections
diagrams, viewing, 58
Index |