
Rho The measure of the waveform quality of a modulated signal in a CDMA system. A received signal is compared to an ideal, reference, signal. A high correlation between the received signal and the reference represents a high waveform quality factor.

Sync Channel A code channel in the forward CDMA channel that synchronizes the mobile station with the base station.

Sync Pulse A pulse that starts both the frame delay timer and the PN sequence delay timers. A sync pulse occurs when:

the Test Set is powered on, or

an external even-second clock is received on the CDMA Cellular Adapter's front-panel EVEN SECOND/ SYNC port.

Test System A test equipment station consisting of a Test Set, Cellular Adapter, and PCS Interface. Used for testing CDMA base station equipment operating in the PCS band.

System Time The time reference used by the network. System time is synchronous to Universal Coordinated Time (except for leap seconds) and uses the same time origin as Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) time. All base stations use the same System Time (within a small error). Mobile stations use the same System Time, offset by the propagation delay from the base station to the mobile station. See also Universal Coordinated Time.

Test Set The HP 8921A. Used for installation and maintenance of AMPS, TDMA, and CDMA cell site equipment.

Traffic Channel A communication path between a mobile station and a base station, used primarily for communicating service- option related traffic. The term traffic channel implies a forward traffic channel and reverse traffic channel pair. See also forward traffic channel and reverse traffic channel.

Trigger Event Trigger event describes the operating state of the DSP analyzer at the time a qualified trigger causes the DSP analyzer to acquire and begin measuring the digitized IF waveform from the CDMA transmitter-under-test.

Universal Coordinated Time (UCT) An internationally agreed-upon time scale that has the same rate as atomic time. UCT is corrected by step adjustments of exactly one second as needed to remain within 0.9 seconds of astronomical time.

Uplink See Reverse Link.

Walsh Chip The shortest identifiable component of a Walsh function. The are 2N Walsh chips in one Walsh function where N is the order of the Walsh function. On the forward CDMA channel, one Walsh chip equals 1/1.2288 MHz, or 813.802. . .ns. On the reverse CDMA channel, one Walsh chip equals 4/1.2288 MHz, or 3.255... us.

Walsh Cover A coding method that uses Walsh functions to create a set of mutually orthogonal CDMA signals. In the CDMA system, a code channel is formed by a Walsh cover.


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HP 83236B S Interface manual Glossary