Chapter 2, Making Measurements

Check Even-Second Clock



You can start with the connections shown in figure 24. You will get prompts from the



Software to change the Even-Second clock connection when needed.



In the main menu, scroll to and select Check Even Second Clock.



You will have to make a change to the connections, as shown on the display. Switch



the Even-Second clock signal from the EVEN SECOND/SYNC IN port to the



TRIGGER/QUALIFIER IN port on the Cellular Adapter. Once you have made the



connection, press the Continue (k2) key.



The Software will begin checking for a valid clock signal. This will take a few seconds.



When it has found a valid signal, you will see the message EVEN SECOND CLOCK



FOUND. If the Software finds no valid clock, you will see the message NO CLOCK



FOUND. In that case, see the documentation on your base station to verify that you are



connecting to the correct port and to see if any switches must be set to enable the clock






To go on, press the Continue (k2) key.



Reconnect the Even-Second clock signal connection to the EVEN SECOND/SYNC port



on the Cellular Adapter. After you have done this, press the Continue (k2) key to



return to the main menu.


See the section on the clock timing signal in "CDMA Measurement not


Correlating" in chapter 4, "Troubleshooting, on page 69."