HP 930c manual Make sure that you are using media, Media Intended for HP DeskJet printers, Mode

Models: 930c

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4Getting Help When Things Go Wrong

Is there a problem with your printout? continued

What is the problem?

Possible cause

To solve the problem…



Print quality is poor.

You may not be using the best

• Make sure that you are using media








intended for HP DeskJet printers.





• Print quality is dramatically improved if you










print on paper specifically designed for a






certain output (photographs, for example),






rather than using plain paper.











You may be printing on the

Make sure that the media is loaded print side




wrong side of the media.












You may not have selected

Make sure that you have selected the correct




the correct paper type in the

paper type in the Setup tab. See “Setup Tab”




printer software.

on page 6.











You may be printing in Draft

Click Normal or Best instead of Draft on the





Setup tab. See “Setup Tab” on page 6.












If you have smearing, you


Click Normal or Draft instead of Best on




may be using too much ink.


the Setup tab. See “Setup Tab” on page 6.






Reduce the amount of ink by going to the






Advanced tab and using the Ink Volume






slider. See “Advanced Tab” on page 7.






Increase the dry time by going to the






Advanced tab and using the Dry Time






slider. See “Advanced Tab” on page 7.











You may be printing in

Uncheck Print in Grayscale on the Advanced





tab. See “Advanced Tab” on page 7.












You may be running out of


Check the print cartridges status. See “Print






Cartridge Status” on page 25.






If you are running out of ink, replace the






print cartridge. See “Replacing Print






Cartridges” on page 27.











You may need to clean the

See “Cleaning Print Cartridges” on page 30.




print cartridges.






























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HP 930c Make sure that you are using media, Media Intended for HP DeskJet printers, Rather than using plain paper, Mode