Alt+E + Alt+V | Set the Vertical lost calibration speed thresholds used in the graphic draw |
| mouse test. The defaults limits are 200 to 400. |
Alt+E + Alt+M | Set mouse bumper failure threshold. The default number of mickeys for this is |
| 1000. The number reflects how much bumper compression is permitted before |
| a bumper is rejected. |
Alt+E + Atl+S | Set sine mouse test threshold. For mice that exhibit sine wave patterns along |
| the left side of the screen, use this key to specify how much will be tolerated. |
| The default value is 10. |
Alt+E + Alt+T | Set the lost mickey Time threshold. Use this command to specify the minimum |
| number of “timer tics” at which a mouse “mickey” error can occur. The default |
| value is 10 timer tics. See the Alt+E + Alt+C command and the mouse test |
| section. |
Alt+E + Alt+Z | Shell out from Diag to a command prompt. This can be used to run small |
| tasks, (e.g. copy files) without losing any current diagnostic settings. When |
| ready to return to Diag, type EXIT. |
Commands for setting test parameters
The following table describes the various commands used to set test parameters within the diagnostics program.
Table 8 - Diagnostic Test Parameters
Command | Description |
# | Set loop count limit for looping tests. By default 1 loop is run. If 0 loops are |
| specified, Diag will loop indefinitely. Other values will loop for the count specified. |
Ctrl+A | Set wakeup Alarm delay after suspend. The OmniBook can be set to |
| automatically wake up after a suspend by setting a wakeup alarm of 1 to 59 hours, |
| minutes, or seconds. By default, no wakeup is scheduled. If an alarm delay has |
| been set and multiple test loops are set then Diag will automatically suspend at the |
| completion of each loop. |
Ctrl+D | Set loop Delay interval. By default, looped testing runs as rapidly as possible with |
| no delays between loops. This command lets the user specify that each loop of |
| testing start from 1 to 59 hours, minutes, or seconds after the previous loop |
| started. No delay will occur if the tests have already run for the specified delay |
| time (for example, if 2 minutes of delay are specified and the tests selected ran for |
| 2 minutes 10 seconds, then no delay would occur at the end of the loop. |
Ctrl+H | Report System Hardware found. This test reports on various OmniBook |
| components. The following are reported: CPU speed (100, 133, 150, etc); Display |
| technology (TFT, DSTN); Hard disk capacity (814M, 1.4G, etc); Cache size (256, |
| 512, etc) and state (ON,OFF); OS version (varies); system RAM (16M, 24M, … |
| 80M); and disk volume id (varies). |
Ctrl+R | Set Retries before reporting disk error. By default, 5 retries are permitted before a |
| disk error is reported. Specifying fewer retries will detect marginal media more |
| quickly. A related feature of Diag regarding soft read errors (checksum errors), is |
| that these sectors will be written back to disk to repair the checksum error. |
Ctrl+S | Enter Suspend state. This command will put the OmniBook into an off state |
| similar to pressing the Off key. Once suspended, the OmniBook will remain off |
| indefinitely unless a wakeup alarm has been set with <Ctrl+A>. |
Alt+B | Set Brightness |
| command. This exceeds the normal range permitted with the brightness buttons |
| and can result in a blank display. Repeat the command with a less extreme value |
| to restore the display. |