SCPI Command Reference
This section describes the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) commands for the RF multiplexers. Commands are listed alphabetically by subsystem and within each subsystem.
The ABORt subsystem stops a scan in progress when the scan is enabled via the interface, and the trigger modes are TRIGger:SOURce BUS or TRIGger:SOURce HOLD.
Subsystem Syntax ABORt
Comments ∙ ABORt operation invalidates the current channel list and sets ARM:COUNt 1 (one scanning cycle per INITiate command), sets INITiate CONTinuous OFF (no continuous scanning cycles), and sets TRIGger:SOURce IMMediate (continuous internal triggering).
∙Stopping Scans Enabled from Interface: When a scan is enabled from the interface, use an interface CLEAR command or the
HP E1301A front panel “ Reset Instr” or “Clear Instr” key to stop the scan.
When the scan is enabled from the interface and the trigger source is
TRIGger:SOURce BUS or TRIGger:SOURce HOLD, use ABORt or the HP E1301A front panel “ Reset Instr” or “Clear Instr” key to stop the scan.
∙Stopping Scans Enabled from Front Panel: When a scan is enabled from the HP E1301A front panel, execute *RST entered via the interface or the front panel “ Reset Instr” or “ Clear Instr” key to stop the scan.
∙Related Commands: ARM, INITiate:CONTinuous, [ROUTe:]SCAN, TRIGger
Example Stopping a Scan with ABORt
TRIG:SOUR BUS | !*TRG command is trigger source |
INIT:CONT ON | ! Set continuous scanning |
SCAN (@100:103) | ! Scan channels |
INIT | ! Start scan, close channel 00 |
. |
. |
ABOR | ! Abort scan in progress |
40 HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexers Command Reference | Chapter 5 |